My friends Chris & Suzie and Mike & Becca spent time with me helping me to fix up the RV, teach me how to use it, and most importantly, teach me how to drive it.
Once I “dream trained” myself to drive the RV (yes, I have the supernatural ability to practice things in my dreams and be able to do them in real life) it was much easier, plus Chris and Mike are both great teachers and helped me learn how to drive it just days before our maiden voyage.
So we headed to St. Vrain State Park this weekend with full hookups so I could figure out how to do this. We drove (no problems), we hooked up (no problems), we had a very enjoyable weekend.
We read, played, hiked, played board games, watched a movie, and Caleb started the fire and did most of the cooking.
The only problems were… some of the kids bickered, our propane for our grill (not for our RV) wouldn’t OPEN!!!! so we had to walk to the nearest gas station for extra firewood to cook on the grill (we had to cross barbed wire to do this) and at the end of the weekend, we tucked our RV away and I only got a few drops of poop on my shoe.
Overall it was the perfect weekend (since I believe 70% perfect is as perfect as you’ll get…). It was enjoyable, my kids were nice to me, and I kept thinking, “if this is what it’s going to be like on the big trip, I’m totally on board”
Yipppee! What a fun post to read. Celebrating alongside you Jones friends! God is soooo goood!
Praise Jesus! So glad to hear you all enjoyed it!
Looking good behind the wheel!!!
This Website=Rocks!
you are cute!
Why Thank You Mom. Isn’t That Nice To Here. (: