I’m super exhausted as I write this, and trying to remember what happened on these days… so much has happened. So on Monday we were driving to Anaheim. Our last day of driving. We were getting along better than the entire trip (including since then). I think the blow up helped us get all of our junk out so we could focus on getting to where we were going. We were also in much better spirits because we had figured out the air conditioning (apparently one of the vents was closed, plus it was so hot, sometimes nothing helps.
We drove in and found our RV park, only a few blocks from Disneyland (not that we are going to Disneyland this week, we are waiting until next week when it’s no longer spring break). So we settled in and Caleb and I walked the mile and a half to the car rental agency. Apparently they close at 5. I never thought that would happen, so now we didn’t have a car. Plus we had a million things to do over the next few days, so what were we going to do. So we had to take the long walk home without the car, not knowing if we’d even get one.
We had bought a special pass called the GOCARD that gets you into like 30 different places, but you can only use it for 3 days. We not only had to plan what we were doing, but what about the car situation? Also, Beth the Planner is barely part of the picture right now, so we had to play it by ear. We already had to change things around knowing that we had to get the car.
So the next day we set out at the crack of dawn to get the car. We walked a mile and a half and found the place. I told the guy I missed getting the car and was there anyway he still had one? Long story short, it took some finagling but we got a car, at around 10am. Well, we had to fit in as much as we could today, so where were we going to go? Stupid me, instead of telling the kids where we were going, I let them choose. They of course, chose Lego Land, and hour and a half away! I wasn’t even going to tell them that was an option, but it came out. So instead of fitting it all in that day, we went to Legoland from 12-5. More flexibility, apparently. Also, last time we came, Adam spent a long time building legos, and I guess we didn’t have to do that… so there you go. But the end of the day, we were exhausted and only on the first day of a 3 day amusement park gorge. I was run down and did too much and had only begun…did Beth make it through the next 2 days? Stay tuned..