If I could redo this, I definitely would have broken my 3 days up with a rest day in between, there wasn’t an easy way I could have done that, but I could have. I needed rest and with all the maintenance to the RV and such I still didn’t get a ton of rest. We went to the beach later and that was fun, but again, I had to be the lifeguard so it was’t completely restful. Plus I got seashells and sand …. nevermind. Anyway, we woke up on Saturday with nothing to do. I couldn’t get tickets to 2 different places (I’m so not crying about that) and I wanted to take the kids to the La Brea Tar Pits, but, that didn’t happen, either. In fact, we ended up hanging out in the RV almost the entire day on Saturday, playing on the computer, cleaning, and watching movie! It was Saturday in Anaheim in 75 degree weather and we were watching a movie in the RV. I took the girls swimming for an hour later (which was basically the only “thing” we did… Also we went to Shakey’s Pizza). Ah rest.
When I get back there are so many things I need to work into the first 3 month leg of our trip. I had worked 1 day of rest into each week, but now I’m going to have to scrap a lot of the “cool” things we were going to do and add another maintenance day into the week, as well.
Adam never did things on Sundays (except Church) and he rested all the time. He worked hard, ran hard, and rested hard. I never understood it, but after he died I did. He was decompressing and it’s how he survived life. I never learned how to rest. I remember being a 15 year old babysitter and having to “schedule” rest days for myself and not babysit on those days. If I didn’t, I’d get a cold. Something over the years changed and I could never stop going.
I need to make this coming trip about rest, healing and learning, God and family and maybe other things will fall into place. Maybe it’s not about seeing everything in the country, but getting what we need out of this trip and enjoying ourselves even if we don’t see/do it all….
God is showing you beautiful things. This post made me smile. Keep listening sister, you and God, you’ve got this. MUCH love!
Rest is such a good thing! Lovin’ your posts! Keep up the good work! You are making some awesome memories with your kids. 🙂
don’t be too hard on yourself Beth – first trip of this type you ever made and I think you did it well. Now you know some new tricls to make it easier and more comfortable. I have a lot of faith in you and believe your next will be much more comfortable cause you now know some of the mistakes and more of what needs to be done. You’re a great and loving Mum and gave it your all. I’m proud of you. Gail