Well, I didn’t post before we left because prepping to leave was crazy and time consuming. In the end, we left with some open ended things (no renter), but a lot of great friends and neighbors who will help out if and when I need. The day we left I was so anxious it was off the charts. I just wanted to leave. Originally my goal was to drive 300 miles that first day, but by the time it came, I literally just wanted to get out of town. I NEEDED to just leave.
I had a mechanic hook up what I needed to pull it, I had a Craigslist guy show me how to make my tow brake, and a friend teach me how to hook it up. In none of these meetings did I actually hook it up, and was anxious to do that. My friend told me “it should work”. Those words haunted me because “should” isn’t really a concrete word. I was afraid I was going to kill hundreds of people on the road when my tow car unhooked and started rolling everywhere.
The day we left, instead of leaving first thing in the morning, we were frantically still throwing stuff in the jeep. By 11am we were finally done and started hooking up the jeep. The neighbors came out and I said my goodbyes. Probably took an hour. It seemed successful. As we were on our way out of town, we had to make a couple stops and then I was informed that my child “had no pants” so we had to buy some. We finally got on the road and drove. By late afternoon we made it to Breckenridge.

For those of you who don’t know, Breckenridge isn’t far from our house (about an hour and a half in a normal car). The first park turned us away, but the second park was way cheaper and gave us a prime space they were saving. There were no hookups, but we don’t always need them.
I felt I was successful because I’d made it out of town without killing anyone. The kids were fighting worse than ever, the RV was a disaster, and a leak had started forming under the refrigerator. This was the beginning of our new adventure.
Blessings and Accomplishments:
1) We got that prime space in Breckenridge
2) I got out of town (bonus: without killing anyone)
Harmony’s Corner: Harmony will be posting a Mini Blog at the end of my blog each week.
On the first day we went to went to Breckenridge. It was exciting but sad because I won’t see my friends/BFFs for awhile. (like 3 months) We stayed at an RV campground and there was a big lake by our RV. The first time we went to the big lake by our RV, Zoe (my sister) and Caleb (my brother) and I all found sticks and wrote words on the sand. It was spectacular. There was a big rock that Zoe was standing on. I tried standing on it. It felt like I was going to fall off so I got off. Then Caleb tried it, and he purposely knocked the rock over. So yeahhhh.
Hi Beth – I can’t wait for the rest of your adventures. I admire you taking the kids on such a trip. Keep it up girl!. With love Gail
Thanks! We’ll see you in Novemberish 🙂
so grateful to stay in your loop and know how to pray for your adventure. We love you all!