There have been more bad days and bad attitudes. There have also been not-so-bad days and not-so-bad attitudes.
After I didn’t give up (but wanted to), I texted some of my friends and cried and rested (and tried to get away from people if you know what I mean).
Things started changing, at least a little.
- So the HOUR I left on the trip (2 weeks ago), I met a wonderful woman who happened to also help rent houses. I wondered why I was meeting her at that point since I had finally found the people who were to rent the house, I wished I had met her earlier. I even said to her “If things fall through, I’ll call you”. Well, truer words were never spoken…long story short, she worked very hard over a few short days to find me a new renter!
- Also, the RV is mostly cleaned and organized (at least as much as it can be for our family) Not completely, but we are “almost” moved in.
- I received a letter that Adam received an award posthumous through DDRC (his work). This caused me to cry for about 2 hours straight which apparently I needed. Maybe if I’d just cried longer when things were going bad I would have felt better afterward, right?
- We went to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore
5. We drove through the Badlands.
6. We then went to Minnesota. We ate lunch at Spoonbridge and Cherry. We also went to the Mall of America. Yep, lots of learning going on here.
7. We went to Wisconsin and toured a Dairy Farm and went to a cheese shop.
I’ve tried to squirrel away some time for the girls to swim. We usually crash and stare at our “devices” a lot more than we should because we are so exhausted. Sometimes I’m very sad, especially when all the people around us are “camping” and having fun and we are just ‘doing life”. Not many campfires or fun. The girls swim and throw the softball around, Caleb will get on the computer, and I’ll continue cleaning and organizing the RV (or I can actually post a blog post every once in awhile). School has been difficult. Its getting done in bits and pieces and mostly the kids are writing a lot of papers on what we are seeing. That’ll be our next big project.
Also, August 1st would have been my 19th wedding anniversary, so there is that, as well. Ah blessings and healing, blessings and healing. So goods and bads. This is a journey.
Harmony’s Corner
Yesterday it was really exciting we went to Mount Rushmore. The four presidents names are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln. Mount Rushmore may seem boring because itz four faces but it is very interesting so that was yesterday. Today, we went swimming, it was pretty lit.
Don’t forget Zoe’s blog at