Highlights: We were there for about a week, Zoe saw one of her best friends (and got to sleep in their house) and Harmony also slept at their house. I saw one of my best friends, and Caleb got to sleep on the girls bed, which he believes is slightly more comfortable.
My friends’ family fixed up my pump and the electrical problem I was having (oh I never mentioned the electrical problem – fridge wouldn’t work and more, but now it’s fixed) I was soooo blessed. There is always more stuff I can fix up, but we were really sick of washing our hands with our big jug of water (but even then, very blessed that my neighbor gave me the jug before I left).
We went to the beach a few times, so my mermaid daughter was happy. We went boating. My friend talked me off the ledge a couple times, so that was great. Caleb had some time to himself. We went to the “Big Apple” which is a giant apple where they sell apple stuff. I had the greatest week and you know why? Because this post is short. I needed to decompress, cry, situate, fix stuff, and to be honest, be taken care of, which is exactly what my friends, John and Michelle, did for me. It was great and refreshing and now I can move on to the next leg.
And of course, Bear Bear ate their chickens. Of course!
Harmony’s Corner After went to Niagara, we headed to Canada, (It is my favorite country no offense to the U.S.A. although they do have really bad mosquitoes) When we first got to our friends house Zoe’s friend showed us around their house. We tried this Canadian chip called Ketchup Chips. A little bit after trying those chips and some new candy like Oh Henry bars, Coffee Crisp, etc… We had sandwiches I slept with my friend that night (which I named Dill Pickle) We went on a boat ride. Zoe and her friend Jessa were towed to our boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the last nights together of course Bear Bear ate a chicken. Of course.
Thanks for sharing! Love the pics!