The next day we headed to Seattle and on our way it started snowing! We got there and….got lost! So we are wandering around in the snow and we had to figure out where we were. Many blocks later we found ourselves at Pike Place Market. We went to “the first Starbucks”. We walked around briefly but the kids were cold and cranky so I sent them inside and…they disappeared. So after I found them I threw a temper tantrum and went to the car to get home, although we were going to stop at Jones soda first. We got lost again and went to the wrong building and went home disappointed and having accomplished very little.
During the week, it kept snowing and was cold. We also saw Thor, had game night, spent time on my cousins’ boat. Then spent time with some other cousins, saw my aunt, and spent time with another cousin!
Zoe hurt her knee the night before we were to go to Seattle again for a second try. So I decided we would drive around Seattle and look around but the entire family, including Zoe, voted that we leave Zoe behind and go into Seattle. So we did (and my cousins spoiled her while we were gone so it was all good). We took the monorail to the Space Needle and went to Chihuly Glass Gardens and then found the Jones Soda Company.
Did we fight? You betcha, but we talked it out after each fight. Did we “do” a lot? Yes, but only for about half the time, I tried hard to keep things calm and not to over do it. Plus, as I’ve mentioned I love being around family and friends. All in all it was a successful week.
Harmonie’s Corner
I hated Seattle the first time we went there. But then we went to Seattle for a second day I loved it so much. And I realized Seattle is my home it’s where I truly belong.
We went to the space needle. (It was boring all you do is just stand in a elevator and take pictures of the view from really high up.)
We also checked out a glass museum it was very handy there is also a glass room and a really cool room in the museum where it is pitch black and has glowing colors in the black.
We also went to the Jones headquarters and got sodas, shirts, bumper stickers, and actual stickers. Zoe and me also went kayaking I basically went for the first time because my very first time in a Kayak I just sat in one. It was fun doing it. Zoe twisted her knee so she couldn’t come the second time. We made a movie for her and gave her presents.