The rest of New York was good once I was parked and not moving. You could see the Statue of Liberty from our RV park. We spent a lot of time in the city, and a little downtime (my kids insist that it’s never enough downtime and I shouldn’t tell them it’s downtime if I make them do schoolwork and cleaning). We spent time with different cousins and saw some great art. I have the best cousins in the world. Once I left NYC it didn’t seem so bad.
So when we left, I made sure to not hit any poles on the skinny streets of New Jersey and once we were out of town (by an hour), found a Church service to attend (we had missed the last couple weeks so I was spiritually parched). Then continued onto Philadelphia (actually still New Jersey which is right across from Philly). New Jersey is surprisingly big.
We spent the entire next day driving to find someone to fix my transmission. I had an appointment somewhere after calling 20 people and when I got there he turned me away and sent me somewhere else. After driving through downtown Philadelphia to get to this other guy, there was no way he could do it, there was no where to even park the rv within a couple blocks of his shop – including his parking lot. I drove back the the RV park and asked for my space back. I eventually found someone to work on it, but without seeing it he said it would take over a week and I decided to wait until I was in Virginia where I would be for a week. So the game is now afoot.
We spent time in Historic Philadelphia and the kids still argued, but it seems like background noise most of the time now. Oh yeah and I got lost in Philly (Siri and I need some Siri-ous couples therapy) and accidentally crossed the toll bridge twice – good times.
I wish I were better at parenting, traveling full-time, or anything. I guess I just wish I were better at something. I find myself frustrated, but AGAIN as I’ve said, there is nothing in Denver that I’m successful at either so I might as well fail on the road right now. I don’t always feel like this, but I do a lot. There is a future out there for me, but it’ll have to wait until this is over.
Blessings (it was pointed out that I did t include my blessings in the last couple posts):
- My awesome extended family. Did I mention they are awesome – all of them?
- Our RV park near NYC was pricey but super close by.
- Random Church in North Brunswick.
- Historic Philadelphia was cool (although downtown Philadelphia in an RV).
- I had two panic attacks in a row and finally cried for 20 minutes in the parking lot of a grocery store and someone special hugged me. Also I probably really needed to cry. Grief is never ever ending.
- May have actually found someone in Virginia to look at the RV.
- Also – don’t mistake my complaints to be not appreciating all that this trip has given me. I’ve appreciated so much that I’ve been given!
Harmony’s Corner
Our RV park we stayed at was over-priced. Some may say “Was it 215 dollars a night?” or “Was it 130 dollars a night?” Well both of those are incorrect. It was actually 100 dollars a night. The thing was it was only a parking lot with a electricity and water hook-up.
Now, the RV park I just talked about in my intro, it had a really good view of the “Statue Of Liberty.” The “Freedom Tower” was so big that it looked like it was part of Jersey City. NYC was so close to our RV park that you could walk there and take a train. It says so when you get to the RV park and see the paper they give you that you could walk there.
We went to “Krispy Kreme” and got Donuts. (For Your Information Chocolate donuts with the cream inside is literally heavenly.)
We met up with my 2nd cousin and 1st cousins once removed. We went to a Shake Shack with them and I (yet again) had a heavenly ________________ “Fill in the blank please.” Salted Caramel Shake. I also went to Dave & Busters and played SUPER fun arcade games. (If you know me well then you know that I am obsessed with arcades. If you don’t then………….. now you know.)
In Philadelphia we went to the Benjamin Franklin Institute, it was fun. Especially when I got to go in a little fake airplane. (Sorry that it doesn’t show me in the picture)
I always love your blogs (and Harmony’s)…Always read it!
looks like another fun stopover. the kids all look great and happy. Have more and more fun in the upcoming stops. Gail